Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Fast CAT record, Rally-Free Elite Novice leg

We had two Fast CAT runs over the weekend. On the first one I forgot to tell the lure operator that he's fast and to make sure that the lure stays ahead of him. Instead we got what I've now recognized as a consistent pattern: he started to catch up to the lure and drift to the side, then slowed down slightly, then picked his head up and started looking for me. He assumed that the nearest person standing ahead of him was me and sped up toward her - it was the lure operator. I called him loudly and he noticed me and finally crossed over the finish line and came right to my arms. I didn't bother to find out what his time had been (probably 14+ seconds).

For our second run, I told the operator to make sure that the lure stayed way ahead of him. I also started calling him much earlier. He set a new record for himself! He ran in 11.72 seconds (17.45 mph) rather than his usual 12.5ish (16.5ish mph). Very cool.

Earlier in the month we drove all the way down to Fetch Sam in San Jose to participate in a video event with friends. The space is great but the commute was awful. Next time I'll sign up but record at Sherry's or somewhere closer. As usual we had a few little moments of distraction and our heel position is inconsistent but Cai was happy to work with me. To earn a leg in Elite Novice, you have to score at least 165, and we got 170. (Probably would have been 173-174 if not for camera not showing the switchback at station #4.)

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