Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Agility update, recent pictures

We've moved up to 8 inches in agility class. (We'd been doing 4 inches for a while so that we could get back into the groove after our long break.) Cai is flying over the jumps, and we're much more in sync now. Only thing that's still lacking is Cai's drive forward if I am not moving quickly. I have to be very careful not to slow down early on sends, which pulls him off. I'll move up again to 12 inches after his next chiropractic adjustment. If things still look good, we'll finally be ready to enter AKC Novice.

Here are some recent pictures:

We've both missed our regular off leash hikes.

Belly rubs while watching his sister play.

So suspicious.


What are you doing

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Fast CAT

Chimera now starts barking and lunging with excitement when we're close to the lure. I'm glad the enjoys the chase but man is that annoying.

He ran full out and reached an estimated speed of 16.40 mph - consistent with his previous runs. The time to run 300 yards was 12.47 seconds. That earns him 32.8 points, bringing his total to 121.29. We need only 28.71 points to get his BCAT title - one more run! Of course I don't do this for the titles, but because he LOVES it.

This time I had another person release him at the start and caught him at the end. I squeaked his favorite ball and tossed it ahead of him as he crossed the finish line. The squeak worked to get his attention but he looked so disappointed that I didn't throw the ball very far. Then I scooped him up and fed him many many pieces of chicken to make it a memorable, pleasant event. We'll see if that holds up for next time.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Chiropractic adjustment

Cai had his monthly appointment with his amazing chiropractor. It was the same problems as usual - sacrum and left shoulder.

He had lost weight, which surprised me. Down from 10 pounds to 9. Dr Wallace said that 9 is better for him.

Last time we were at agility class (two weeks ago), Cai had had trouble with the backwards circles and pivoting I use as part of his warm up. This morning, he had tight, fast circles and pivots. There's always a clear improvement after his monthly adjustment.

And that's why she gets so much of my money. Thank goodness for pet insurance.